Duke Cannon: An Icon of Military Heritage and Homegrown Virtue

Duke Cannon Supply Co.

If you've ever explored the wild, wacky world of men's grooming, you've probably encountered a brand that stands head and shoulders apart.

Meet Duke Cannon Supply Co, the company that salutes the builders, the creators, the sledge-hammer wielders - the everyday blokes that just "get stuff done".

Duke Cannon is more than just a brand, it's a philosophy—an ethos steeped in respect for the everyday heroes that weave the fabric of our society. Teachers, farmers, soldiers, first responders—they’re all respected citizens in "Duke Cannon Country".

But what truly sets the Duke apart? It's a story steeped in military heritage and a real commitment to giving back.

A Salute to Military History

Duke Cannon isn't just influenced by military history—it's rooted deeply within it, drawing on a lineage as rugged as a paratrooper's boots and as timeless as honor.

The very design of Duke Cannon's signature product, Big Ass Soap, traces its lineage back to the soap issued to G.I.’s during the Korean War.

US Marine Corps Korea

Sure, the modern version smells a bit better (thank goodness), but the dimensions are a nod to a time when soap was just soap—practical, hefty, and unpretentious.

Today, the brand continues to draw inspiration from active-duty soldiers. Big corporations might sprawl out money to MBA's for focus groups and market analysis, but Duke Cannon? They take a different route.

They engage with real soldiers from Camp Ripley in their home state of Minnesota and even those deployed in the world's harshest environments.

They listen, they learn, they test - and the end result is a product line that doesn’t just meet the high standards of the men in uniform - it exceeds them.

More Than Just Soap: A Belief in Giving Back

But Duke Cannon is more than just a soap company. It's a brand with a heart and a mission. Supporting veterans isn't just an add-on for them, it’s a core tenet of their operations.

When you buy a bar of Big Ass Soap or any of their premium products, you're not just getting yourself a piece of grooming excellence - you're contributing to a cause that matters. A portion of the proceeds from every purchase goes straight to supporting veteran causes.

Every year, Duke Cannon donate 5% of net profits to causes that benefit veterans and our military on active duty. They generally rotate allocation of these funds quarterly. Past recipients include K9s for Warriors, Honor Flight, Green Beret Foundation, and Fisher House.

So, if you've ever wondered what sets Duke Cannon apart, now you know.

It’s not just the military-inspired products, or the commitment to quality—it’s the dedication to honoring and supporting those who serve.

It’s a company that gives more than it takes, making every customer a part of something meaningful. And let’s face it -who wouldn't want to be a citizen of Duke Cannon Country?

You can explore their products via these links:

Duke Cannon Body Wash

Duke Cannon Face Wash

Duke Cannon Shampoo Puck

Duke Cannon News Anchor Pomade

Duke Cannon Cologne

Duke Cannon Deodorants

Duke Cannon Beard Wash

Duke Cannon Beard Oil

Duke Cannon Lip Balm

Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles



I’m a skincare & beauty enthusiast and makeup artist with over 15 years in the industry. I love writing about evidence-based solutions to skin issues with a strong preference for natural products.
San Diego